Finally.... the mystery revealed... by Mirul... today... when the Pos Express with the tracking number LG118320541MY arrived at my home...
What's inside : A cute paper clips and Bugs Lock... Cute paper clips! I like it...!Thank you Akma for the gift... I appreciate it very much... :D and..

..thanks for your wish for my SPM next year.. :)
Eh,mirul ni muda lagi !
ingt kn sama muda :D
OoOo bestnya dpt present.
heehe... mmg le..
muda lagi..blajar rerajin..besar nnti blh jadi angkasawan..kawen masuk tb
Pencaca Alim : tenkiu2.. masuk tb? huhuhu....
muda lagi dak ni rupenya . hihi .
all da besh in your life :)
hyep! mirul masih sekolah ye? blaja rajin2 tau. :)
cokiedacomot: hehee~~ kan ade tulis kt biodata tu :P thx 4 the wish by the way :D
Yann Mazian: ha'a... terima kasih.. :D
hehe... blushing kak akma..
thanks for reveal in your entry mirul.. very nice pix from very good camera.. good photographer indeed :)
AkMa BiZz BuZz: huhu... sama2.. ^_^
laaa, mirul ni baru nak amek spm ke, heheee ingat dah kejer,.
Mirul study hard yea, akak wish u good luck, mirul ni sebaya adik akak yang bongsu, tapi dia tak pandai main camera lagi, tapi dia tak tere main bole, terer mengurut kakak dia ni, heheeheee =)))
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