Salam... Late posting today due to slow internet connection (Streamyx got problem with the speed... 1mbps turns to 512kbps). Arghh... What a tension day...
..nevermind. I'm doing an experiment today... This is my first time using Adobe Lightroom to edit pictures. Sure many people will ask, are Mirul is making a jokes??? Hahaha. I'm not joking! This is serious... Huhu.

Some experiment just had been done today:
This presets is named as "Colors of Portraits" because it gives a mood boost for every portrait!Nah... I'm only using Lightroom 2.5. Maybe later will be upgrade to Lightroom 3.
Interested with those presets? Coming soon. Just wait and see. A lots of presets with affordable price.
That's all for today. Thanks for viewing. Enjoy!