Salam. Today I want to show some of my macro shots using Minolta 35-70 f/4 Macro. This lens is also called as 'baby beercan', very good lens for potraits and macro. However, this lens produce a very good color for an images.

All shots are unedited. Only using photo editing software to put on watermark in an images. Colors and effect all are originals from the camera.
That's all for today. Thanks for watching. Enjoy!
wah!! cantik..:D snap pic amiey 1 :P
cantik.. kamera minolta tu kamera compact @ DSLR?
Amiey: hehe... :D
fiq: ni lens je Minolta.. kamera Sony Alpha..
macro? memang tebaikla!
rasa nak angkat satu je
me3rma: thx...
afzan: hehehe... angkut je.. tak mahal sngt.. lens ni mmg budget utk macro :D
mirul..gambar yg menarik..
apik xleh nk shout..kena banned
apik pehe: thx... huhu.. mcm mana sampai boleh kena banned.. isk3
cantik...nature is d bez...^^
nice one..boley la tolg ajarkan nnt..hoho
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