Saturday, April 17, 2010

My story, my journey as a photographer... (Part Two)

(Part Two)

Canon Powershot S3IS started my journey as a newbie photographer. A lots of things I've learned on this camera including Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, and Exposure. This 6 megapixel S3IS captured stunning shots except the weaknesses of low-light performance. Using this camera, I've captured more than 15,000 pictures but only 1/3 of the pictures are usable. Well, it's hard to doing my job because the direct flash killed most of my low-light shots and it makes myself fed up to take a snap.

Here are some of my shots using my S3IS:

I've been using it for a year and 2 months before change to DSLR. Using my pocket money and some of profit from selling the computer hardware and accessories, finally I bought Sony Alpha a230 as my first DSLR. Nothing else to tell about my journey using S3IS.

TO BE CONTINUED. Stay tuned!

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